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Grassroot campaign.The authentic voice of those in care #CareSupporter #GloriasLaw #RightsForResidents FB: https://t.co/tSUgJJMEoA

Oct 26, 2022, 15 tweets

"Guaranteeing the right to contact in care" Never Again must we treat our loved ones in care in this way, many sadly no longer with us, many died alone, many isolated, many felt abandoned we urge all MPs to join the debate tomorrow @DanCardenMP @tracey_crouch @libdemdaisy #rfr🧵

Never again must our loved ones be isolated in their rooms, alone, #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

Never Again must the voices of those in care be ignored #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

Never Again must children and young adults in care be separated from their parents #GloriasLaw #Rightsforresidents

Never again must it be just left to "guidance not law" #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

Never again must those in care be denied the right to see their families at the one time in their lives when they should be together #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

Not all in care are older, there are many young people in care denied the right to time with their families - Never again. #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

Isolation has torn families apart, deterioration in those we love irreversible. Never again #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

As winter approaches, we must never again have this threat hanging over our loved ones in care #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

We know there are many amazing Care Homes who have led the way, done all they can. We know that the carers have always done all they can, and we thank them - There are some truly AMAZING care homes and providers #rightsforresidents

Thank you @RuthieHenshall for all you have done - we will get #GloriasLaw, in memory of your wonderful mum #rightsforresidents

Never again, we continue to campaign for all we have lost, for all we have loved, for all we remember #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

We will march again if we have to, Never again must those in any care setting be denied the right to a #CareSupporter #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

This is why Tomorrow's debate tabled by @DanCardenMP @tracey_crouch @libdemdaisy @LSRPlaid is so important, the above is why we must "Guarantee the right to maintain contact in care settings" we will not rest until we do - end 🧵 #GloriasLaw #rightsforresidents

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