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Oct 26, 2022, 6 tweets

🔴 Watch LIVE | #LeftRightCentre: 'Put Ganesh, Lakshmi On Notes': AAP Cashing In On Hindutva?


#LeftRightCentre | AAP spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar (@PKakkar_) on Delhi Chief Minister urging PM Modi to bring out new currency notes with images of Lakshmi and Ganesh

#LeftRightCentre | @zainabsikander, columnist and writer, on Delhi Chief Minister urging PM Modi to bring out new currency notes with images of Lakshmi and Ganesh

#LeftRightCentre | Tehseen Poonawalla (@tehseenp), political analyst, on Aam Aadmi Party cashing in on Hindutva

#LeftRightCentre | Prof Gobardhan Das, BJP leader, on Delhi Chief Minister urging PM Modi to bring out new currency notes with images of Lakshmi and Ganesh

#LeftRightCentre | @ashutosh83B, commentator, on Delhi Chief Minister urging PM Modi to bring out new currency notes with images of Lakshmi and Ganesh

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