Meri 4x💉“Exiled for Good of the Realm” Williams Profile picture
CTO @Pleo. NED @FlagstoneGroup. Chair @TheLeadDev 🎤 Advisor @Kindred_VC, @SkillerWhale1. Wife to @ellywilliams. #ND #EhlersDanlos 🏳️‍🌈

Oct 26, 2022, 10 tweets

First up, @lrnrd teaching us about strategic leadership:
1) have a strategy,
2) execute it,
3) profit!


“Strategic leadership is not spending all your time in meetings, emails, Slack.

Strategic leadership is leading daily from an idea of the future.

Having a big picture of what you are trying to get to and taking daily actions to get you there.”

@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“You can be a strategic leader at any level, adapted to your sphere of influence”

@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

Strategic leadership takes work:
- requires effort, time, context-switching
- needs to be balanced with operational work
- may bring more change
- involves saying no
- it’s a bet based on incomplete information
- goes against our cognitive wiring

@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Strategic work is leadership hygiene. You don’t do it every year, you do it every day”

@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Strategic leadership isn’t about the documents you write, it’s about your habits:

The way you think and spend your time is the kind of leader you are”

@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Leading (daily) from an idea of the future (strategy)

Make strategic leadership your habit


@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

Space for strategic Thinking: Start your workday with 15 minutes of strategy time

Act: Asking strategic questions

Boundaries & Broadcast in prioritising your work: Focus on what matters, communicate it for alignment”

@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

Space for strategic Thinking: 30 mins per week set aside to update your big picture view

Act strategically when making decisions

Actively connect your team with strategy

Boundaries & Broadcast in prioritising with teams”

@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

Space for strategic review (analyse your existing strategy, adjust if needed)

Align planning through boundaries, broadcast (plan with your team based on strategy and communicate for alignment)”

Cheat sheet at

@lrnrd #LeadDevSanFrancisco

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