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Oct 26, 2022, 6 tweets

#NoSpin | Trinamool MP @MahuaMoitra on rape convict Ram Rahim's parole

#NoSpin | Priyanka Chaturvedi (@priyankac19), Shiv Sena (Thackeray faction), on rape convict Ram Rahim's parole

#NoSpin | Political Activist @_YogendraYadav on rape convict Ram Rahim's parole

#NoSpin | Tanveer Ahmed Mir, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court, on rape convict Ram Rahim's parole

#NoSpin | Namita Bhandare (@namitabhandare), columnist, on rape convict Ram Rahim's parole

#NoSpin | DP Kaushik, BJP Haryana spokesperson, on rape convict Ram Rahim's parole

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