Meri 4x💉“Exiled for Good of the Realm” Williams Profile picture
CTO @Pleo. NED @FlagstoneGroup. Chair @TheLeadDev 🎤 Advisor @Kindred_VC, @SkillerWhale1. Wife to @ellywilliams. #ND #EhlersDanlos 🏳️‍🌈

Oct 26, 2022, 8 tweets

“Trends in Cloud-Native Performance & Efficiency”

Starts by explaining cloud-native and what she means by performance & efficiency

@MelanieCebula #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“We’re seeing the golden age of the custom cloud processor

- rise of ARM
- cloud processors target efficiency (custom chips optimised for microservices, schedulers, containers; efficiency > performance)
- more CPU choices”

@MelanieCebula #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“IOPS-heavy Services & Storage”

@MelanieCebula #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Pricing & Availability Guarantees:

Different tiers of pricing:
- on-demand: pay as you go
- reserve: pay up front & save
- spot: save on extra capacity, but no guarantees

Even more options between price, performance & availability”

@MelanieCebula #LeadDevSanFrancisco

[This talk is great but SUPER fast paced so I’m struggling to live tweet it effectively, apologies]

@MelanieCebula #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Trends beyond HW:
- custom cloud OS
- container OS optimisations (slimmer, distroless)
- secure profiling & debugging (no more root or shell access)
- kernel improvements
- JVM improvements”

@MelanieCebula #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Schedulers & Containers:
- better container resource handling
- “dockerless” (being replaced by eg OCI, CRI-O)
- (lightweight) VMs are cool again? (microVMs)
- “VM support” in schedulers
- perf tooling
- continuous —> auto analysis?”

@MelanieCebula #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Networking trends in the cloud:
- use eBPF for networking (or another model)”

Summary slide attached 🙏🏼

@MelanieCebula #LeadDevSan

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