Stop the Squeeze Profile picture
We are calling on the government to #StopTheSqueeze by guaranteeing affordable energy, boosting incomes, and raising taxes on wealth.

Oct 27, 2022, 8 tweets

Most of us haven’t had a proper pay rise for a decade. The nation’s safety net has been slashed.
Our budgets are being squeezed like never before.
We need a new plan.
That’s why we’re launching #StopTheSqueeze - a real plan for an affordable Britain.

We’ve seen big price hikes in food, energy and other essentials while wages and social security payments have fallen in value. This has left many people struggling to stay afloat, forced to choose between heating our homes and feeding our kids.

This squeeze of our household budgets is the result of choices made by the politicians running our economy. But they have the power to make different choices. And solutions exist that are fair, realistic, and popular with the public.

We are calling on this government to tackle the cost of living crisis by guaranteeing affordable energy for all, boosting incomes, & raising taxes on wealth.
We’re backed by groups like @savechildrenuk, @oxfamgb, @CAP_UK, @magic_breakfast & @PatMillsUK.

@savechildrenuk @oxfamgb @CAP_UK @magic_breakfast @PatMillsUK Energy is an essential we all rely on. The government should implement a strategy to guarantee clean, affordable energy for everyone.

@savechildrenuk @oxfamgb @CAP_UK @magic_breakfast @PatMillsUK Everyone deserves enough money to afford essentials so they can live well, not just scrape by. This government should deliver an immediate increase in the minimum wage & redesign our social security system to ensure everyone has access to a Living Income.…

@savechildrenuk @oxfamgb @CAP_UK @magic_breakfast @PatMillsUK Our tax system is broken.
The British people agree - we need higher taxes for the people who have the most. This should include a tax on wealth so those who earn and own the most pay their proper share.

@savechildrenuk @oxfamgb @CAP_UK @magic_breakfast @PatMillsUK It is time to rewrite the rules of our economy so that we all share in the rewards.
It is time to Stop the Squeeze and introduce a real plan for an affordable Britain where everyone can thrive.…

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