Spotting Trouble Before It Happens: A Thread 🧵
The things you are most likely to see before an attack are called "pre-incident indicators."
They are peculiar things you will recognize if you know what to look for.
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2/x Any one of them alone is probably not enough to go to guns, but when two or more appear...
If you pick up two or more of these indicators or just have a bad feeling, take immediate steps to get out of the situation, place or activity in which you're involved.
3/x The first indicator is unnatural impediment to your movement and/or encroachment upon your personal space. It doesn't matter whether this is while you are walking, in your car or on a bicycle.
4/x Next is correlation of someone's movement to your own. When you first notice someone is keeping pace with you, it should alarm you. The slim chance of two strangers regulating their pace so precisely is minuscule. Cross the street or go into a store.
5/x Any sudden changes in status of a person(s) near you should make you think twice.
For example, if you are walking along a city street and pass by two young adults who are leaning against a wall and they suddenly stop loitering and become pedestrians behind you.
6/x If you have been stopped unnaturally in your movement, or if you are standing somewhere and you notice predatory movements, immediately take some kind of action to extricate yourself. Think of sharks circling.
7/x Things such as, "Got a dollar?," "Do you know where. . ." Obviously, don't be ready to draw when this occurs. Take a step back away from the person addressing you & look to the sides quickly. the person talking may not be the attacker; usually attack is coming from the side
8/x "Target glancing" is a fairly reliable indicator that something is about to happen. This furtive glancing indicates the is sizing you up, identifying escape routes, etc.
Noticeable when you see a person glancing in your direction several times, then glancing away.
9/x If a person is approaching on an oblique path that will intersect with your own, you should beware. This is commonly used as an access route to the target because it keeps the attacker in a blind spot the longest.
10/x Whenever an approaching person their hand hidden, causing unnatural movement, keep an eye on them until either hand comes clear of the cover or the person passes. typically the gun, knife or club is already out on approach discreetly behind their arm or leg or in a coat
11/x "Any bump, shove or push should alarm you. It may be a pick-pocket attempt, it may be a setup, it may be just an impatient person. Whatever the case, if this occurs you need to be alert."
12/x Someone just "hanging out" in a Transitional space like a gas station, parking lot, metro, sidewalk is an alert signal of its own.
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