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Oct 27, 2022, 25 tweets

The Rise of the Dragon artwork thread. Part 2.

Piracy in the Stepstones | The conspiracy begins

Daemon and Rhaenyra aloft | Daemon and Laena at Driftmark | The murder of Laenor Velaryon | Luke removes Aemond’s eye

Caraxes at Harrenhal | The merman’s court

The Dances first victim | Ser Steffon Darklyn slips away | Visenya’s birth | The three wild dragons

The Battle of the Burning Mill | Meleys, Vhagar, and Sunfyre dance

The three chroniclers of the Dance | Aemond and Lucerys at Storm’s End | The Battle of the Gullet | Terror over King’s Landing

The death of Ser Steffon Darklyn | Prince Aemond at Harrenhal

The Fishfeed | Daemon and Nettles | The Hightower host at Tumbletown | The moon of the Three Kings

Rhaenyra and her heirs | Lady Caswell’s death

The death of Bold Jon Roxton | the death of Ulf White | Rhaena returns to King’s Landing | The Three Widows

Ser Byron Swann and his Mirror Shield | Aemond and Daemon at Harrenhal

The Judgment of the Wolf | A new dawn at court | Baela’s escape | Alys Rivers at Harrenhal

Ser Luthor Largent is pulled from his horse during the Shepherd’s riot | Chaos in King’s Landing

The healing hands of Aegon III | The King’s ships approach Tarth | Alyn Velaryon and Aliandra Martell | Larra of Lys

Storming the Dragonpit | The Destruction of the Dragonpit

A deadly hatching | The parley at Runestone | Sandoq the Shadow meets Ser Amaury Peake | The death of Ser Marston Waters

The Caltrops | The Battle over Tumbletown

Moondancer attacks Sunfyre | The Shepherd burns

Benjicot Blackwood at the Muddy Mess | Aegon the Younger returns to King’s Landing

Cregan Stark arrives | Investiture of the Kingsguard

Lord Unwin and Tessario | Lord Alyn’s fleet

The Maiden’s Day Cattle Show | The Regents accept Lord Unwin’s resignation

Lady Johanna’s revenge | The end of the regency

The End.
Please see the credits for all the wonderful artists who worked on this project within the “ALT” text and support their artwork!

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