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Oct 27, 2022, 9 tweets

Transitions into management

“With a flavour of failures, with a flavour of mistakes, with a flavour of exceptions”

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“We’re going to look at two different angles:

1) Person (right person for this transition to manager)

2) Environment (set them up to succeed)

Success = high performing team + “happy” manager + for a long time (2+ years)”

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Three Things to Look for in the Person:
[0) Care about people (non-neg) ]
1) Doubts (filter out power hungry)
2) Growth mindset (highly competent at engineering —> highly incompetent at managing)
3) Courage to be disliked (recognition changes)

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“The best managers don’t want to manage, but they get joy from helping people.

People need grit and determination to make the change.

It is easier to be liked than to be respected, admired, inspiring.”

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“The special ones are those who have the ability to influence others with discussion, to provide critical feedback with grace, to do what’s difficult but necessary and right to do.

But no one can do a zero to one transition into management”

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Think about
1) Change budget (how much change can this team or person absorb right now?)
2) Support and confidence (demonstrate both radically*: direction, availability - be there!, delegation)
3) … the Catch Block (help them fix … or remove)”

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Be soft on the person and hard on the behaviour / situation”

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

“Your success comes from the power law of your best decisions.

Your reputation comes from how you deal with your bad ones.”

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

1) The best EMs don’t wanna
2) Grit & adaptation
3) Easier to be liked than respected
4) Do not introduce more change than team can absorb
5) There is nothing you can break that I cannot help you fix
6) Soft on person, hard on reversing situation

@JCardenete #LeadDevSanFrancisco

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