Nick Fletcher Profile picture
Former Member of Parliament for Don Valley. Conservative mayoral candidate for Doncaster Mayor.

Oct 28, 2022, 18 tweets


My day started with preparation for the weekly zoom meeting for all MPs hosted by @olivercoppard . It’s held at 10 am on a Friday to brief all MPs as to latest developments on @DSA_Airport & @PeelLandP .

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It’s an opportunity to ask questions re @DSA_Airport and to probe to try to find out what’s going on. The meeting started shortly after 10 and was stopped shortly after 11. Some people had other commitments so couldn’t stay past 10.30 am.

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I wanted to know why @MayorRos had said the bid out to @PeelLandP was credible and why Peel said it wasn’t. There was a detailed explanation given by the CEO of @MyDoncaster about it.

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It was clear to me on the information given to me in that meeting that the bid to @PeelLandP was most definitely credible. I haven’t seen the bid. I have to go on what I am told and I have to take people on trust.

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Two offers of support have now been made to @PeelLandP by @olivercoppard and @MayorRos . I’ve been told what they contain but I’ve never been allowed to see them.

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The meeting ended with an ask by @SouthYorksMCA & @MyDoncaster for all MPs to publicly support the bid and to press Government.

I did exactly that.

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I put out a post on social media to advise that I thought the bid was credible, that I supported it and had told both the Secretary of State for Transporto and the Aviation Minister of that and to speak to @PeelLandP to use their influence.

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To encourage @PeelLandP to do the right thing. This was the post.…

I was therefore somewhat surprised to see @MayorRos publicly chastise me at 3 pm on social media for not working with her.

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I am actually the one who has pushed hard throughout the past 108 days to keep @DSA_Airport open. See below what I had to say on this in Parliament:-

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.@MayorRos has written a lengthy letter to me which I will respond to next week. No doubt I will be accused of party politics by the @DonnyFreePress for doing so at the time but I can’t not respond.

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Both @MayorRos & @olivercoppard are blaming the Government for something they can’t do. The Government can meet. It can cajole and can seek to persuade. It can’t however use powers and funds that have been given to Oliver and Ros.

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I’ve asked both @olivercoppard & @MayorRos to hand the powers back to Government if they want them to act but they have not done so. They can’t have the responsibility and then blame the Government.

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My Day 15 post deals with powers:…

My Day 87 post deals with what @BenHouchen had to say about how he dealt with @PeelLandP :-…

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The meeting this morning was told that the next 24-48 hours were critical. I believe that is true. I have therefore spoken again to the Aviation Minister and communicated again with @Mark_J_Harper & also with the Prime Minister @RishiSunak.

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I was informed earlier today that the Government have held 13 meetings to date regarding our airport. If they did not care then obviously that number would be minimal or nonexistent.

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The last @TUIUK flight left today. I had to be there.

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I will be using all my efforts in the next 48 hours to press all @DSA_Airport stakeholders. When I’ve done all I can do, then and only then will I turn to dealing with the letter from @MayorRos.

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When the dust has settled on this whichever way it turns out, it is clear to me that we have some serious lessons to learn.

I will keep you advised.

Stay strong. It’s not over.

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