Vesna ( Profile picture
Goddess of Spring, hacker, mother of 3, artist, feminist, Community Builder, Green Anarchist, NVC mediator, Bi. Ex-Yu. Moderator of

Oct 29, 2022, 13 tweets

Arrived in Lika, with Nikolina & strina. New approach (“old road”), new asfalt (up to the bridge), house is still standing, there is running water, we have amazingly hot weather for end-October!

We’ve climbed Lisac! #Lika

Keeping the thread… Una river in #Lika

Three dogs & lots of leaves! #Lika

What a life!! Kissed by the sun & kissed by the dog!

My neighbor Veverica (squirrel, near #LikaLodge)…

Idyllic morning near #LikaLodge

Golden hour yesterday evening near #LikaLodge

Golden hour yesterday evening near #LikaLodge…

Amazing stormy sunset!!! #LikaLodge…

Chilling (literally) up the side of the mountain, trying to catch 3G signal ;) #LikaLodge

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