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Conservative | mother | author | editor 🇺🇸 🇺🇸Trump | For those who repost my posts AND INITIATE A FOLLOW - I will follow you back! 🇮🇱🇮🇱

Oct 30, 2022, 16 tweets

Nancy likes the Nazis

This is the gavel the cunt should have. But she has an idea, actually a revelation for it.

The planning committee meets. Nancy will exact revenge upon that dirtbag husband.

Paulie heard it or did he do it?

Nancy requests a wellness check

Paulie heard it!

The video is in the home safe

Pre-attack Pelosi investment

And Depape confesses

During the attack Paulie envisions another investment opportunity thinking Shark Tank would pick this one up.

Thank you to all of the wonderful meme makers for helping putting this story together!

God bless all of you except the cunt liberals!

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