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Oct 31, 2022, 7 tweets

🧵#TheIndiaFix: On Oct 9, the New Indian Express reported a significant piece of news:

Amit Shah-led committee had recommended that the medium of instruction in higher educational institutions, including Central universities, should mandatorily be Hindi.…

Just as drastically, the Committee of Parliament on Official Language recommended that government entrance exams – which are now conducted in both Hindi and English – should drop English.…


Like in the 1960s, today’s Hindi push from Delhi has angered the Southern states.

The chief minister of Tamil Nadu bluntly described the committee’s recommendation as the start of a “language war”.…


#TheIndiaFix | Given the sharp reactions in states such as Tamil Nadu, what explains the BJP’s sharp push for the Hindi language? The answer might lie in a mixture of votes, ideology and jobs.

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Like the Congress before it, the BJP has a strong incentive to push Hindi to remain the pole of Indian politics.

@ShoaibDaniyal on the #HindiImposition

Part of the reason [behind the #HindiImposition] is the pull factor of the approaching 2024 Lok Sabha elections. But also important is the dire employment situation in the Hindi belt.…

#TheIndiaFix by @ShoaibDaniyal

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