Jeff Gadsden Profile picture
Husband | Dad of 4 | Anesthesiologist | Educator | Co-host of podcast @BlockIt_Hot_Pod #GotBlock? #POCUS

Oct 31, 2022, 6 tweets

It's the 31st of #Blocktober22 ! A few things before we say goodbye--please follow along on this 🧵. First, a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who engaged, tweeted, commented, and debated throughout the month--SOOO wonderful to see what an amazing community we have in RAAPM!!

@ASRA_Society @ESRA_Society @AoraIndia @LasraAnestesia @ASALifeline @amit_pawa @EMARIANOMD @KalagaraHari @Duke_Anesthesia @anesthesiadocmd Our independent panel of trainees judged the image contest and have awarded @rafrussodoc the top prize for this mesmerizing OOP popliteal. Congrats Raffaele!! Some prizes coming your way to Puglia! #Blocktober22 @fuzzymittens @GongGasGirl @mswami001 @NarouzeMD @dr_rajgupta

@ASRA_Society @ESRA_Society @AoraIndia @LasraAnestesia @ASALifeline @amit_pawa @EMARIANOMD @KalagaraHari @Duke_Anesthesia @anesthesiadocmd @rafrussodoc @fuzzymittens @GongGasGirl @mswami001 @NarouzeMD @dr_rajgupta @MKwesiKwofie @Jerryblocksthat @jon_bailey_anes @Nadia_Hdz_MD @SreeHPraveenKO1 @HoltzMaggie @dremilym @colinjmccartney @rosie_hogg @ajrmacfarlane As has been the case in the past, this #Blocktober22 ends with me (and hopefully many others) with new friends and colleagues that I can interact with and look forward to meeting in person!! Thank you for being part of this and we're looking forward to next year already!

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