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On a break! A @SciCrastina rocur, managed by @prksrng.

Oct 31, 2022, 9 tweets

Quarto becomes *really* cool when you see all the beautiful outputs it can create.

Let's have a look at some more #QuartoPub examples.

Let's start with good old fashioned PDF documents.

With Quarto, you can still do all the PDF stuff you used to do.


You can even add beautiful title pages to your PDFs.

You can also create websites with

complicated layouts quarto-dev.github.io/quarto-gallery…

interactive elements (great for teaching) quarto.org/docs/interacti…

Presentations? No problem.

You can do

- Modern html presentations with transitions, animations and whatnot quarto.org/docs/presentat…

- classical LaTeX beamer quarto-dev.github.io/quarto-gallery…

- even PowerPoint quarto-dev.github.io/quarto-gallery…

And you can pour all your knowledge into

- a book tellingstorieswithdata.com

- a Wiki quarto.org/docs/reference…

- a blog albert-rapp.de/posts/13_quart…

Or you could organize your next course online with your own custom website. sta210-s22.github.io/website/

Speaking about custom websites, fast.ai created their beautiful website with Quarto. nbdev.fast.ai

For more great examples check out the Quarto gallery.

That's a wrap for today.

I'm convinced that Quarto can do many great things. And I hope that I could motivate you to give it a try.

Tomorrow, we're going to talk about hurdles when switching from LaTeX to Quarto.

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