Humans didn't "evolve" to inhale bat viruses because—unlike bats—we didn't evolve to live so close together.
Our CURRENT *GLOBAL* population density (~50ppl/km^2) is about the same as Mesopotamia's DENSEST areas.
The human immune system isn't built for constant SARS2 infection.
Simply put, you are not a bat.…
"Bats regularly form colonies of hundreds to millions, some at densities of 300 individuals per .09 [meter]"
Humans have not evolved over 50 million years to live (and thus breathe each other's pathogen-laden air) like this:…
So…back to ‘Why You Are Not A Bat’:
More “Lessons from the effective host defence of bats would help us to better understand viral evolution,” from Lin-Fa Wang……
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