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Hindu | Supreme Court Lawyer | Travels Pan 🇮🇳 | Political Commentator | Fought for Palghar Sadhus | Passionate reader and debater | जय हिंद-जय मिथिला ।

Nov 1, 2022, 5 tweets

Hypocrisy of leftists & #WireExposed

Here is @svaradarajan Vs @tunkuv

Gajab! Entire blame shifted on foot soldier to defend the top brass in #WireCrime

@svaradarajan Vs @nandinisundar

So @thewire_in be like “we know, have met and verified our source” but who will explain this to @the_hind?

It’s @svaradarajan Vs @nramind

Another entrant in the #WireScam.
See that the boss of @thewire_in never accepted the mistake but literally defended it personally. But TMC politician is showing power to him.

It’s @svaradarajan Vs @MahuaMoitra

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