Reimena Yee 🦇 @ Profile picture
Strange & fancy author-illustrator in comics | SEANCE TEA PARTY, THE CARPET MERCHANT, ALEXANDER | Co-founder @unnamedkomiks @cartoonistcoop✨Agent @jenlinnan

Nov 1, 2022, 15 tweets

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (1/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (2/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (3/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (4/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (5/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (6/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (7/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (8/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (9/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (10/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (11/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (12/13)

The God of Arepo / a comic about a farmer who befriends a nothing god (13/13)

I'm so excited to finally present this adaptation of my favourite short story ever!! The first time and every time I see it on Tumblr, the story never fails to leave me with tears.
Here is the original story:…
And the ebook edition:…

Yall the response to God of Arepo went off hfsdjkfhs thanks for liking it so much!! 😭❤️ If you want more of my comics, I have free webcomics and printed graphic novels, and I write a comics craft and advice blog

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