han 🐰 Profile picture
lesbians (me) love midoriya izuku ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ ♡ slow replies sometimes, sorry! i try to reply to them when i can! ♡ icon: @5MlL3 my love ♡

Nov 1, 2022, 52 tweets

dating for almost three years, katsuki and izuku’s relationship has always been almost perfect. but everything changes when katsuki comes home one day acting... differently.

and no one seems to remember who he is. no one but izuku.

— a #bkdk socmed au for #bkdkhalloweek2022 🫶

⚠️ before we start: trigger and content warnings + notes here!


1. flashback: starting point, 3 years of love

2. flashback: random snapshots throughout the years

3. back to the present

4. unanswered calls

5. who


7. unknown

8. home

9. no texts

10. flashback: izuku’s texts from earlier in the morning

11. obsidian

12. the next day

13. gone

14. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

TBC 🫶🫶🫶 sorry i cant finish this today my head hurts and its already 2AM 💀💀💀 ill continue this tomorrow! thank you for reading so far <3

btw bkdk will always get a happy ending dont worry abt it 🧡💚

15. you do?

16. restarting

17. i love you too

18. same

19. lunch

20. out

21. who


23. 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

24. no

25. omw

26. an hour passes


28. well

29. burns

30. deku

31. 3:30

32. (nawh i messed up the dates lmao dont mind that they're not important)

33. sleep

34. messages that were never seen




TBC 🫶🫶🫶 im really sorry but the updates stop here for a while! i need to wake up early for a morning class soz my bad T____T ill continue the updates tomorrow! thank you and i hope you're enjoying (???) so far!

also this is a happy ending, i swear 🧡💚

36. awake

37. unsaid

38. not kacchan

39. is he?

40. laugh

41. a kiss


(forgot to add this on the notes but these pictures count as flashbacks so 🏃‍♀️)

42. nothing's wrong

43. ochako

44. should izuku go to ochako's?

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