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Life Coach, Vedic and Tantra Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, psychology, PLR

Nov 2, 2022, 10 tweets

Is sex a hindrance in path of spirituality and enlightenment?

The actual act of sex need not be a hindrance.

The fantasizing and the obsession over sex definitely are pathetic hindrances.

Everywhere there is a sexual dopamine trigger to the mind.

What is the relevance of erotica to milk? Seriously? Are we so sick mentally that we should be sexually seduced to buy and drink milk?

Romancing with a single partner at intervals isn't a hindrance unless your next step is Nirvikalpa Samadhi itself.

But the societal obsession over sex is leaving individual minds in a state of chaos, that is non-conducive to spiritual practices such as meditation & mindfulness.

We see many articles even in mainstream media that multiple partners are okay, pornography is okay, and so on.

Wonder what will be the quality of the mind that is fantasizing over bodies all the time.

Sexualizing of even mundane advertisements?

Anything that gives excessive pleasure can be addictive.

Sex, as a biological system, exists for the propagation of evolution.

Sex is nature’s tool to keep life alive and continuing in perpetuity.


Nature has attached pleasure to it so living beings could indulge, and life may continue by birthing new beings.

To nature, pleasure is a ploy and reproduction is the deliverable.

What happens if an evolved race like human manipulates this pleasure quotient to indulge repeatedly in all seasons & escape the deliverable, reproduction.

For those who claim sex is essential & natural, please understand that for nature, reproduction is essential, not sex.

We have cheated on nature when we indulge in sex just for pleasure and carefully escape reproduction. Good for us, though!

For one or two children, five decades of sexual indulgence. Terrible productivity for poor nature.

Except for some physiological benefits that are super-amplified by media, you gain little or nothing from sex. Still, it is fine, and not a problem until it cripples you psychologically.

Sex is not a hindrance to spirituality. The constant thinking and hyper-obsession over sex knowingly and unknowingly are the hindrances.
Credit: Siddharth T Janakiraman

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