Madison Horn Profile picture
Running for Congress | Cybersecurity CEO | 7th GenOkie | Focused on Uniting | Defending U.S. interest 15 yrs | It's time Politicians Give a Damn About Oklahoma!

Nov 2, 2022, 6 tweets

We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​. #platformpriority #RestoringTrustInGovernment (1/6)

We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​. #platformpriority #RestoringTrustInGovernment (2/6)

We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​. #platformpriority #RestoringTrustInGovernment (3/6)

We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​.#platformpriority #RestoringTrustInGovernment (4/6)

We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​. #platformpriority #RestoringTrustInGovernment (5/6)

We may not agree on every issue, but you will know where I stand​​​​​​​ and I will offer solutions verses playing political theater​. #platformpriority #RestoringTrustInGovernment (6/6)

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