Eben Cross Profile picture
Atmospheric Chemist | Air Intuition Enthusiast | AQ Sensor Realist | Scaling AQ @quant_aq | Air pollution opinions based on science | Dad-🚲er | he/him

Nov 3, 2022, 5 tweets

Looking forward to participating in tomorrow's #ClimatetechSummit and teaching folk that all AIR POLLUTION (not just CH4 + CO2) is worthy of their time/attention/resources.

The fight to save planet earth starts and ends with the air you breathe.


Chairs less pile-ish.

MOD-PM-eyed view of festivities. Not a lotta resuspended dust at the moment tho.

Some people take selfies with celebrities.. others take selfies with AQ sensors.

Bird's-eye view of today's @GreentownLabs #ClimateTechSummit

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