Satyamshakti/Annant Drishti Adhyatam Peetham Profile picture
Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, astro psychology,PLR

Nov 3, 2022, 7 tweets

What does life feel like after the ego or "me" dies? How do I know if I'm experiencing 'ego-death’?

Here in the world of so many so called ‘Enlightened people & ‘Spiritual’ categories, and throughout the world’s ‘spiritual path’ communities, there’s lots of talk about the ‘death’ of the ego or complete collapse of the false “me” identity. Sounds attractive & intriguing, right?

So everyone wants to know what it feels like, what’s left…and how to “do” it.:-)

But if the “me” dissolves, “who” is to see what it feels like?

If the “me” was always a false identity, “who,” which ‘doer,’ is available to cause this collapse through “whose” efforts?

And if this “me” was always a phantom, what could possibly be ‘left’ except What Is and has always been?

This ‘death’ of
illusion is itself an illusion, and the total annihilation of “you” and the life you never owned. Its nothing less than the end of “your” world.

And paradoxically, the apparent launching of Your true place in Life, & Your Oneness with it. Its total freedom!

Still sound attractive & intriguing?

Or maybe, “Nah…the annihilation of my personal life? Don’t want any part of that!”

If you are in the former camp (or the latter:-) watch this video on this very topic, and see what “you” think.❤️🙏

Credit: Teja Anand

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