Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative Profile picture
An initiative calling for a global mechanism to phase-out fossil fuels fast and fairly. Endorse the call for negotiating a #FossilFuelTreaty today.

Nov 3, 2022, 13 tweets

A big 🧵of 8 events at #COP27 that you won't want to miss.

View all #FossilFuelTreaty events that are happening over the coming weeks at

1. First off, this Tuesday, join our event on how to manage a global just transition in the @ilo pavilion.

Speakers include:
@Tzeporah Berman
Fleur Ramsay of @EDOLawyers
@disharavii of @fridays_india
+ more to be announced soon

2. Then on Thursday hear a #tedx talk from @Fridays4future leaders sharing stories from around the world of young people taking on the fossil fuel industry.

You won't want to miss:
🇺🇬 @NakabuyeHildaF of @Fridays4FutureU
🇵🇭 @mitzijonelle of @YACAPhilippines

4pm @ the @CYPavilion

3. Later on Thursday night you won't want to miss our Fossil Fuel Phase Out Fest – a social event for people campaigning for a just transition.

Co-hosted with the Global Gas and Oil Network.

(drinks & food provided + limited capacity = get there early)

4. Then one of our most important events of #COP27 will take place on Friday 11th – the Treaty Talanoa.

An open dialogue on how to build momentum toward a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty with multiple Pacific governments, diplomats, champions & civil society leaders.

5. On Friday 11th Nov, @GCHAlliance will host a must-join event in the @WHO Pavilion discussing the global threat fossil fuels pose to our health + the recent call from health institutions for a Fossil Fuel Treaty.

More details coming soon.

6. On Saturday 12th, join the launch of the 2022 Civil Society Equity Review.

The #EquityReview is global equity analysis of how climate pledges stack up against the Paris Agreement 1.5ºC goal.

View for more details & previous reports.

7. On the morning of Sunday 13th there will be a strategy workshop bringing together the #FossilFuelTreaty network to discuss plans to build further momentum towards a Treaty in 2023.

More details coming soon.

8. Lucky last is our formal side-event – co-hosted with @ciel_tweets and @WarOnWant discussing international, national & local policy mechanisms needed to manage a just transition away from coal, oil and gas.

Join us in Room Memphis. More details coming soon.

Phew. That's it... For now.

Lots more events and speeches about the need for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty will be taking place during #COP27.

Stay tuned for some major announcements too!

Won't be in Egypt but want to tune in? Many of these events will be live-streamed over on our Instagram account.…

Running your own event that'll discuss the need for a Fossil Fuel Treaty?

Get in touch at and we can add it to this calendar

Registration for the Fossil Fuel Treaty strategy workshop on Sunday 13th is now open here: …

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