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Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, astro psychology,PLR

Nov 3, 2022, 5 tweets

Where should one’s awareness be directed in the body? Where is the centre point?

Big question deserving direct answer from a BrahmaJnani.

Two Direct Pointers from Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi:

You cannot know it with your mind. You cannot realise it by imagination when I tell you here is the centre [pointing to the right side of the chest]. The only direct way to realise it is to cease to fantasise and try to be yourself.

When you realise, you automatically feel that the centre is there. This is the centre, the Heart, spoken of in the scriptures as hrit-guhaarul [grace], ullam [the Heart].
The Heart is used in the Vedas and the scriptures to denote the place whence the notion ‘I’ springs.

Does it spring only from the fleshy ball? It springs within us, right in middle of our being. The ‘I’ has no location. Everything is the Self. There is nothing but that. So the Heart must be said to be the entire body of ourselves & of the entire universe, conceived as ‘I’.

But to help the practiser we have to indicate a definite part of the Universe, or of the Body. So this Heart is pointed out as the seat of the Self. But in truth we are everywhere, we are all that is, and there is nothing else.
Ramana Maharishi

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