Ooi Beng Cheang Profile picture
🇲🇾 Malaysian Storyteller | Financial Literacy advocate | Current Affairs observer

Nov 3, 2022, 30 tweets

Been reading PH's manifesto #TawaranHarapanPRU15 to see it addresses my major concerns. Here's what I noticed so far 👇

Does not address rising cost in building new homes and the disparity between income and home prices, especially in Klang Valley. Even with financing schemes - many with stagnant income would not be able to keep up with home prices in Selangor/KL.

Need to drive the cost down and build homes in strategic locations for B40 with access to public transport. If you build cheap homes far from jobs, no one wants to stay there.

Good that it is acknowledge that there is a need to rebuild retirement savings for the many who can't afford to retire. Requires a mix of financial literacy, incentives and legislation in forced savings.

Very ambigous mention of how the mechanism in deciding the minimum wage will decided. Needs better structure so that the national wages consultative council is more transparent in making decisions.

Looks like B40 won't need to apply for PTPTN anymore, and now get automatic scholarship. Question is - what are the terms of the scholarship? Only certain studies? Must grad first class? Can we afford this?

The manifesto addresses the rights of gig workers. Good. It needs better social safety nets and career progression. Food delivery/ride sharing should be turned into a viable tradecraft for those who want to do it as a career. Need skills training.

Very good this is addressed. Youth need room to rent as they move to the cities for study/starting their career. Micro homes where they can network with like minded youths and on site adulting guidance for them would be good. Turn abandoned shopping malls into these

I like the TVET reforms proposed, but this will require long term policy changes that I don't think 5 years will be enough. It has to survive govt changes.

The focus on caregivers will address our aging population. The hospice industry will be a growing industry, but for families to afford care - they need to save up for it too. Tied to retirement savings also.

This is very important, no matter who wins - this should be correctly. It is morally wrong to deny them their rights as Malaysians.

The MCO lockdown really scewed up kids education and their welfare where many were left out. A children's department will be good. Can work with UNICEF on this. Will benefit future generations.

I forsee this issue to still be a very contentious issues as it will require the consent or the rulers or each state. Let's make this happen.

My kids go to childcare after school. Any subsidies will be greatly appreciated. Also some form or licensing to ensure they follow standcare would be good also.

I like this, but again - the devil is in the details. Media companies should also be allowed to push their own agendas to differentiate themselves.

I like the fixed term proposal. Let's have fixed general election dates we can work towards.

This should be called propotionate allocation based on size of constituency instead or equal. Sarawak has vast areas larger than some states.

I welcome the proposal to restart the media council. Much needed in addressing various media issues.

This policy proposal to help kids catch up is much needed. So many kids lagging behind because schools were closed.

I note that this time around the proposals for PTPTN reforms are more realistic now. An adjusted repayment schedule is workable.

This is one of my concerns. I stay in Petaling Jaya. Many parts of the city is not pedestrian safe. Priority is for cars. With construction barriers blocking pedestrians pushing them onto roads.

Good that climate change is also addressed but needs more details on funding and implementation.

Increasing productivity I feel is the one of the best way to justify increase in wages. Good that this is done. More needs to be done to become a high income nation, this and TVET is a good start.

I like how there should be a revamp of the licensing and film board. Our culture has so much to offer the world and can be a major export.

I don't see the need for. The PM is mostly likely from peninsula. Just a DPM from Borneo will be good.

This sounds like the revived talks of doing local elections for city councils. Feeling ambivalent about it as it will give more power to the people but result in more corruption.

Overall, I find this time around PH's manifesto is more realistic and achievable. It addresses major concerns but some only address symptoms, not root causes. Can read their manifesto here:

Waiting to see the manifesto of other coalitions. Manifestos, light on details - high on aspirations.

*don't need the need for 2.

*this should be corrected.
Sorry, typo (and a very bad one at that).

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