Abhishek Meena - {🔥} Profile picture
Chief Operating Officer @Vulncure | Bug Hunter | 🖊️ Tester 🤝 Committed to infosec education. 📬 Open for DMs

Nov 3, 2022, 8 tweets

Web Cache Poisoning🌱🌵🔥
#bugbounty #infosec

The objective of web cache poisoning is to send a request that causes a harmful response that gets saved in the cache and served to other users.

Where to find 🧵(1/n) :👇

🏹Basic Poisoning #bugbounty #infosec

🏹Seizing The cache #bugbounty #InfoSecJobs

🏹Selective poisoning #bugbounty #infosec

🏹Chaining Unkeyed Inputs #bugbounty #infosec

🏹Route Poisoning #bugbounty #infosec

🏹Hidden Route Poisoning #bugbounty #infosec

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Web Cache Poisoning

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