Hatom Labs Profile picture
We're building Hatom - the pioneering, non-custodial liquidity protocol on #MultiversX

Nov 4, 2022, 11 tweets

Following the announcement on stage, Hatom is indeed the first xLaunchpad Project.

DeFi has just begun, and it's coming strong!
The #XDayParis was the most appropriate moment to mark its debut.

So this year, here is what you should expect from us:

The most complete, non-custodial, over-collateralized lending protocol aimed to bring DeFi to new heights.

It will open numerous possibilities for both users and builders.

A Staking Module that will provide the "HTM" token with tremendous value and utility.

50% of the revenue generated by the protocol from the interest paid by borrowers and from liquidations will be redistributed to "HTM" token stakers.

A Safety Module that will act as an additional security layer to the protocol.

It will also increase the liquidity in the protocol and help incentivize all the money markets.

HatomUSD, or USH, an over-collateralized decentralized stablecoin and the first stablecoin native to the Elrond Blockchain.

HatomUSD will bootstrap the liquidity of the protocol along with the liquidity of all the established tokens of the Elrond ecosystem.

Liquid Staking, a much-needed feature designed to give users access to the value of their staked EGLD.

EGLD stakers will receive sEGLD, an interest-bearing token pegged to EGLD, that they use on our leading protocol, or on other DeFi applications.

Introducing Hatom Mush, the concept of Isolated Lending Protocols to the Elrond Blockchain, and making it possible for other entities to create their own customized Lending Protocol in an effortless and simplified manner.

And finally, Syfy, a project that will use novel and innovative methods to boost HatomUSD, and double, if not more, the liquidity and revenue of the whole Hatom Ecosystem.

After completing the battle of yields and the token generation event, we will start by releasing on the mainnet, an initial version of our Lending Protocol, Governance, and Staking Module.

It will be followed by the release of the Safety Module after a couple of weeks.

Afterward, we will launch HatomUSD along with Liquid Staking.

And lastly, we will introduce Hatom Mush and Syfy.

You can find more information in our docs section:

We wanted to thank every single person who participated in making the beginning of this journey a success. 🎉

We are glad to be building in this amazing Blockchain with such a strong and welded community. ⚡️

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