Solana Breakpoint ☀️ SINGAPORE Sept. 20-21, 2024 Profile picture
A global @Solana conference organized by the @SolanaFndn ☀️ #Breakpoint2024 Sept. 20-21, 2024 in Singapore

Nov 5, 2022, 6 tweets

Now on stage at #SolanaBreakpoint:

The Saga Continues. The @solanamobile team shares some major updates.

"Our phones are perhaps the items that are THE most personal to us." — @joshuantaylor on the @solanamobile team at #SolanaBreakpoint

Introducing the Solana dApp Store, a crypto-friendly marketplace with free fees and decentralized publishing, from @solanamobile.

Opening to submissions January 2023 💪 #SolanaBreakpoint

Starting next year, you'll be able to link your @solanamobile Seed Vault to your @Ledger Nano wallet! #SolanaBreakpoint

Any @SolanaMobile Saga shipped in the US will get a SIM and 30 days of @helium Mobile — for free. #SolanaBreakpoint

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