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너란 사랑으로 수 놓아진 별 — You are a star embroidered with love.

Nov 5, 2022, 23 tweets

The elusive abs of Jung Hoseok. Let's start this #jhope abs thread with this and thank BigHit for their generosity—

And of course, why is he naked?! More please.

I'd like to also thank Jungkook and Jimin for being in the second photo.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen the Idol dance practice. It's beyond normal.

I'd like to meet this boy who's met evil.

That center line though, rent was due.

If you can't see this, have your eyes checked.

Like an animal that only shows its scales in the dark..

My eyes are blessed.

I hope you caught that.

And of course, I can't let you forget the time he lost a bet...

Is it just me or is it kinda getting hot in here?


You KNOW we are curious, you tease.

Stay tuned. I can sense more abs are coming in the future from this delinquent.

Stream @BTS_twt #jhope #BTS #JackInTheBox and #jhope_Arson #jhope_MORE #jhope_EqualSign not just because of charts, but also because it's a cool album. I mean, really. Just play it from start to end. Please? 🥺…

Adding from @Cashamansi_Baby, thank you! This needs to be on the main thread. 👇🏼

Thank you, @SierraNicoIe, because we need to see him flashing his abs.

We all like that Hobi tumtum. 🥰

Not entirely abs related but just in case yall need it, here you go. (I mean, I'm SURE you will need this.)

Thank you for your service, Jung Hoseok. 💜

Adding from @namjoonmiracle 🙏🏼

Just had to add this to the thread, from @Lachimolovely15. 💜

BTW Hobi posted a day after this thread to remind us that he's always on stan twt and that he's also always naked. We love that, Hoseok. 💜

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