Solana Breakpoint ☀️ SINGAPORE Sept. 20-21, 2024 Profile picture
A global @Solana conference organized by the @SolanaFndn ☀️ #Breakpoint2024 Sept. 20-21, 2024 in Singapore

Nov 5, 2022, 14 tweets

It’s time to look back. Let’s round out Day 1 of #SolanaBreakpoint with @aeyakovenko @AustinFedera , and the state of the @solana ecosystem.

Watch the livestream:

Announcing the 2023 @solana @hackerhouses line up 🌎 #SolanaBreakpoint

Over the last year, @solana has become an incredibly decentralized proof of stake network. Just look at the Nakamoto coefficient. #SolanaBreakpoint

Developer activity keeps climbing, with ~3x as many active Github repos as this time last year.

The network gets increasingly more composable and usable with every additional open source repo, says @Austin_Federa #SolanaBreakpoint

Things are just getting started.

In 1995, only 12% of Americans were online. That’s roughly the same percentage of Americans who participate in web3 today.

Today, 90%+ of Americans are online.

Where are things going from here? #SolanaBreakpoint

2022 has been a banner year for @solana.

There are now 15 live games that use @solanagames_gg right now

@solanapay has unlocked frictionless payments.

$150m+ was raised by DeFi projects this year and Solanais still the #2 network for USDC.


.@solana now leads the industry user acquisition from NFTs.

DAO tools on Solana have matured to the point where many communities are managing treasuries and governance on-chain, and DAOs have exploded. #SolanaBreakpoint

But, where does the @solana network go from here? @aeyakovenko is here to tell us more. #SolanaBreakpoint

One area to look forward? @solanamobile.

Mobile is a hard problem because we have to reinvent the mobile business model, says @aeyakovenko.

But Saga is coming. #SolanaBreakpoint

What’s @aeyakovenko’s vision for @solana and where it’s going?

It's the same answer: a single computer operating around the world, synchronized at the speed of light. #SolanaBreakpoint

Devs from across the ecosystem are tackling hard problems on @solana on reliability and programmability.

QUIC, QoS, fee markets, and more help tackle problems related to reliability, while Token22, SMS, and others take on programability. #SolanaBreakpoint

Devs are also working to improve performance (with deterministic turbine, zero copy runtime, and more) and security (with seed vault, more validators, and automated audits). #SolanaBreakpoint

Now it's time to get to the hard stuff.

Devs are working on long-term solutions to some of the very difficult problems — including the mother of all difficult bombs. #SolanaBreakpoint

Watch the full session, "Looking Back, Looking Forward with @aeyakovenko and @Austin_Federa," recorded live at #SolanaBreakpoint

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