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On a mission!!

Nov 6, 2022, 6 tweets

A short thread🧵
If we analyse the current political and neutralist landscape of Pakistan, whichever party we support, we can easily say that PTI leadership is the only sane voice in our country at the moment.
Atleast they are calling a spade a spade!

Here is a blunt but a great advice by @fawadchaudhry for Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani on the issue of #AzamSwati whereas the entire system is asleep to take any action.

Then comes @SMQureshiPTI who exposed the compromised IG of Punjab Police and asked him to resign immediately if he has no authority and powers.

And then SG PTI @Asad_Umar who truly represented us and raised serious questions, and also shared a story about Imran Khan's intelligence and patriotism from his last night's interaction with IK.

Then we have most respectable member from PTI, 75 years old but standing like a rock wall against the fascism and injustices of current government, Mr. @AzamKhanSwatiPk, who is being tortured in every possible way but standing high for Haqeeqi Azaadi.

And then above all, our very own, the legend Khan @ImranKhanPTI, who has done every single thing he could do for his country.
Below lines truly represent his struggle.
مٹی کی محبت میں ہم آشفتہ سروں نے
وہ قرض اتارے ہیں جو واجب بھی نہ تھے!!!

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