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Trumpworld & Elon Musk reporter. Contributor for @WIRED & @CJR | FR/EN 🇫🇷 | Emergency Backup 🏒 Writer | Signal: Leak2Lahut.26 — it’s pronounced La 🛖

Nov 6, 2022, 12 tweets

Second to last stop of the day here for Tim Ryan in Medina, solid turnout at around 100

This flag is a bit of a hit at the Ryan rally

The Medina Dems are plugging an election night watch party with “free pizza, beer, and pop.”

Rally is on a delay because Ryan is running late

more merch variety

Ryan supporters try to get a chant going for the candidate’s walkup #OHsen

Ryan really gets the crowd going by saying “now we’re kicking JD’s ass” after the debates and Fox News town hall, going into his JD Vance teenage son metaphor now #OHsen

Ryan has really smoothed out this bit on the stump, which allows him to name drop MTG, Alex Jones, and DeSantis in a quasi call-and-response type deal. Very effective at getting the crowd into it

These guys on motorcycles keep circling the rally and just about all the attendees seem pretty on edge about it

Ryan invokes Bobby Kennedy at the rally after promising to shock the world and win Ohio

Ryan gets mobbed after his speech, which ended on a rallying cry to “put a dent” in the longstanding GOP stronghold of Medina. The only Dem elected official in this county is the auditor (who was MCing the event) #OHsen

Also in attendance: Steve Schmidt

Ryan says Schmidt is a longtime friend of his, would not get into specifics when I asked about his presence

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