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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Nov 6, 2022, 12 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 11/07 Morning News

-What better time to have a hard liquor tie-in with CCTV than the morning news at 6AM?

The morning news is brought to you by...

The countdown clock gives way to a distorted globe.
And now the news.
Xi Jinping gets the lead story even though it's a nothing burger.
(Madagascar-China 50 years)

The air show in Zhuhai is the big domestic story

And not just planes, either. Camouflaged tanks, anti-aircraft guns and drones are part of the mix.

It seems the "spirit of the 20th congress" is alive and well in the skies of China.

As for agriculture, there are grapes and stuff grown under the grapes, mostly tubers and beans.
In China, the chickens don't come before the eggs

And it's over to you, Igor!
Russian Defense Ministry presents thrilling shots of aerial fighting over Ukraine. The hot dog pilots always steal the show.

But there are ground shots from Russia today, as well as the obligatory (fair and balanced) one or two random photos lifted from Ukrainian TV.

After learning absolutely nothing about what's going on in Ukraine, time for another stiff drink.
It's 6:40 AM now.

And now, "Bad news from a bad country"

There was a fire in New York City (38 injured)

A much bigger fire in a much bigger building in Shenzhen, China was reported on social media in China today but it doesn't even get a mention on CCTV. (see photo on right)

And the news wraps up with reports of shootings in Jacksonville and Chicago.

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