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Zionists DNI

Nov 7, 2022, 10 tweets

In honor of Depp appearing on #Abuserxfenty, a 🧵looking at how Depp treated Amber's clothes during their relationship. TW: SA.

In late spring of 2013 during the incident in Hicksville, Tennessee Depp ripped the strap of Amber's dress and tore her underwear while patting her down and then sexually assaulting. This was a dress that Amber had just dyed and loved.

During the March 2015 Australia attack Depp tore her nightgown off of her and then proceeded to choke, beat and rape her. After this incident he wrote "She loves naked photos of herself, so modern, so hot" on a mirror and drew a penis on a photo of her holding her breasts.

After the rape Depp shredded the nightgown she had been wearing and wrapped pieces of meat with it. Which he did around the mansion and Amber found. I always found this testimony unnerving because Depp played Sweeney Todd and the content of that movie.

He also dumped paint all over many of her clothes during that incident.

After the late March 2015 staircase incident, Depp knocked over Amber's clothing racks.

During their Honeymoon trip in July 2015, he ripped the top of her shirt. This incident even involved him using his own clothes. As after Amber pulled a lapel off of his shirt he tied the shirt around her neck. Hard to not see this as extremely threatening.

During Thanksgiving 2015, Depp grabbed Amber by her shirt while assaulting her causing her to need to change her shirt.

At Depp's island during Christmas 2015 Depp dumped wine in her lap three times, ruining her pants. Depp's son asking Amber if she was ok and her response, which indicated she was agitated with Depp, angered Depp so much he sexually assaulted her shortly after.

Depp should not be the face of anything regarding fashion. He treated Amber's clothing exactly as he treated her. This is why it's so offensive that Depp is involved with #Abuserxfenty.

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