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Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

Nov 8, 2022, 12 tweets

@rex_steffen speaks on cardiac disease in #OBAnes at #OAA3dc2022, setting the expectations immediately (we haven’t got all week) - for a complete list, read….

@rex_steffen starts with a case study… I think the pause was echoed by ALL the #OBAnes in the room at #OAA3dc2022

Great Fontan video… cesarean uneventful, patient required reintubation for second GA because of her heart - doing the potentially difficult airway twice? No thanks! #OAA3dc2022…

@rex_steffen continues with epidemiology. Cardiac disease 0.2-4% pregnancies & increasing. Acquired/ modifiable factors exist. Adult congenital heart disease = most common heart disease in pregnancy.

Relevance of cardiac disease = leading cause of death.

MOST importantly, while everything else seems to be improving (downward trend), cardiac deaths are INCREASING.

Only 17% women have pre-existing diagnosis - highly level of suspicion required


Why is cardiac disease so dangerous in pregnancy? The second heart beat, may topple the first. Pregnancy and labour stress CVS. When do they die? 23-34 weeks and postpartum weeks 1-4. Cardiac disease & standard OB meds are incompatible #OAA3dc2022

Both oxytocin and carbetocin decrease MAP 25%. Phenylephrine decreases cardiac output - is there any to spare? How dangerous is cardiac disease - lowest risk adverse event = 2.5-5%. Fine tuning risk prediction: CARPREG, ZAHARA, ROPAC - structural & functional issues

Who should be in charge of management? Longitudinal multidisciplinary multidimensional team = best. Timing & delivery - most vaginal. Cesarean still OB domain.
The @Eltonchris list - No wrong anesthetic, but many ways to give a bad anesthetic.
How blood flows = NB

Key hemodynamic issues - the basics are still the basics.
RA has been used for all cardiovascular disease - low dose, titratable RA preferred. GA patients generally sicker, poorer fetal outcomes. 4 pillars of heart failure Mx contraindicated in pregnancy

Therapeutic options when medical management fails - @rex_steffen algorithm. ECMO is much better than its reputation.
We can = we should = we must? It’s complicated, almost invariably bad. Emotions vs reality. Mom > fetus - treat mom first.

Excellent conclusion/ summary slide from @rex_steffen on cardiac disease in pregnancy at #OAA3dc2022

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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