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Working to end abortion by electing leaders & passing #ProLife laws, with a special calling to promote pro-life women | Follow @MarjorieSBA @LozierInstitute🤰👶

Nov 9, 2022, 8 tweets

Congratulations @RonDeSantisFL!

Lives are being saved in Florida today thanks to Gov. DeSantis’ strong leadership. We are grateful for his unflinching commitment to moms and babies and look forward to his continued leadership for life! #FLGov #LifeWins22 1/

Gov. DeSantis is right: we are all better when everyone counts, and this is a winning message and issue for pro-life Republicans nationwide. 2/

At the #FLGov debate @RonDeSantisFL called out his opponent Charlie Crist for his atrocious "NO" vote on the bill to require medical care for newborn babies who survive an abortion attempt on their life: 3/

DeSantis has been an unflinching champion of the people, signing a popular bill (72% of voters support limiting abortions after 15 weeks) protecting babies at 15 weeks, a point by which they can feel pain. 4/

Together with our partner org, Women Speak Out PAC, we fought hard to re-elect Gov. DeSantis.

Total FL efforts:
-1.1M voters reached
-620K visits to voters at their door
-906K mail pieces sent
-8.8M digital ad views
-415K texts sent
-389K calls made


One Florida voter said he wasn’t sure how he planned to vote, but after hearing how extreme Democrats have become – supporting abortion on demand up to the moment of birth – he will vote to re-elect Gov. DeSantis because he is opposed to late abortion. 6/

"I never paid attention to politics, I didn’t want to get involved, but I am now!" A voter told our Florida team she never wanted to think about politics, but she started to be more involved after learning about the extreme positions of pro-abortion politicians. 7/7

"Gov. Ron DeSantis’ courageous pro-life leadership is an inspiration. He stands unflinchingly with the unborn & their mothers, & tonight Florida voters stood with him & rejected pro-abortion extremist Charlie Crist." –@marjoriesba

Our full statement:…

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