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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Nov 9, 2022, 26 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 11/09 War prep

Military drills are not unusual but this one is all about Xi
Officers, soldiers alike pledge fealty and life to Xi
Spirit of 20th Congress prevails
Sea: Taiwan scenario?
Mountains: Tibet, Xinjiang?

Big map suggests strategic focus on Indo-Pacific

It's just for show, but the hammer and sickle formation paired with missile-launchers looks ominous.

"We must resolutely follow instructions of Chairman Xi"

More resolute following of Xi's instructions...

"As Chairman Xi said..."

"We must remember Chairman Xi's teaching and tasks"
"We must be loyal to Chairman Xi's command."

"You must come if summoned to fight and if you fight you must win."

"Focus on the implementation of the party's central task to study and wage war."

"Remember who's the commander-in-chief"

Taiwan is never mentioned but...

the marine landing craft suggests it's not far from consideration.

"We must thoroughly implement the important spirit of the 20th congress" (at which Xi took total power)

"Fly a thousand miles without getting lost."

"Continue to uphold the New Era war preparation ability..."

This footage is from the mountains of Xinjiang.
But it also brings to mind the Sino-India border dispute in Tibet.

"Actively explore extreme conditions..."

And perhaps the most ominous scene of all. A single finger on a button can unleash untold destruction.

tanks firing...

jet fighters

helicopters loading

Again, exhortations to "ardently implement the important instructions of Chairman Xi."

"We must improve our combat skills..."

(Don't forget to close the door after rushing out)

"Contribute anew and more than before..."

In other news there's more talk about the spirit of the 20th congress and then it's over to Moscow...

Russia bombards Ukraine with no attempt to explain why they would do that.
The key to the pro-Russian footage is to project an aura of unchallenged power but never show the excruciating damage and killing they cause.

But it's the US that is the sole beneficiary of fanning the flames of war.

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