Chris Vanderveen (yep…me) Profile picture
2024 duPont-Columbia Award winner | 2022 Peabody Award winner | @9News Director of Special Projects |

Nov 9, 2022, 14 tweets

Hey all...

So I'm about to hop on a call with @CDPHE folks... Similar to what we did with COVID.

But this time... we're talking COVID, RSV amd flu...

Details to follow below


"An increasingly challenging respiratory' environment in Colorado is already underway according to Dr. Rachel Herlihy

"Unprecedented level of (RSV) transmission"

RSV positivity climbing
And... wow... the second graph

Another wow graph

Definitely impacted VERY young

It's all RSV right now with pediatric cases

Simultaneously... COVID positivty and hospitalizations are HEADED UP
(for adult populations mostly)


Yep... going up too

Almost all Influenza A

"Early and intnse start to RSV season" says Childrens Hospital Colorado doc

"it's like nothing we've ever seen before"

-- Children's Hospital Colorado

Just a sidenote

It's JARRING to hear a Colorado hospital talk this way. Haven't heard these kinds of words since the height of the COVID season late last year/early this year

Colorado currently has 3 pediatric ICU beds available.

This last week, we've hovered between 0-5

Just asked... when might we expect RSV peak?

(Based on current trending, with hospital capacity already challenged, we could face months of capacity challenges)

Bottom line... we don't know. Answer was, in essence, hoping for an early peak, but we can't say

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