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🌍 Fostering multi-actor solutions to address our world's greatest challenges 🗓️ 6th edition | 𝟭𝟬-𝟭𝟭 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯

Nov 9, 2022, 16 tweets

.@TrishaBShetty President of the Steering Committee of the Paris Peace Forum introduces #PPF22 opening ceremony.

" Hope comes from project leaders who we have amongst us " @TrishaBShetty #PPF22

"It’s time for a paradigm shift… And that will take four critical realignments:
Renewing our faith in truth…
Recognizing that we all have equal worth…
Safeguarding the future…
And believing in our ability to remake the world as we wish it could be." @QueenRania #PPF22

"We who still hold the social, economic, and political levers of power have simply got to do better. Our power isn’t a right; it’s a trust. Our job is to be good stewards of our time." @QueenRania #PPF22

@QueenRania We need to work together. @QueenRania :

"It’s not enough to recognize the humanity of people living in faraway places, we must equally value those who will live in an entirely different moment in time " @QueenRania

" We have two types of conflicts: wars for fossils and wars for control of wealth " @petrogustavo #PPF22

" People are losing hope when they don’t have food or any degree of peace " @WFPChief #PPF22

. @WFPChief About fighting hunger :

"You would think that with all the wealth there would be no poor [...] We actually have more brokenness and loneliness than any other time or period in history " @WFPChief #PPF22

For @WFPChief we are not doing enough :

"I’m asking leaders around the world: donors, when you provide funds for us, give us the maximum flexibility " @WFPChief #PPF22

. @JustinVaisse wishing to get the best of #PPF2022

Thank you for following the live, the replay of the #PPF2022 opening ceremony is available :

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