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🌍 Fostering multi-actor solutions to address our world's greatest challenges 🗓️ 6th edition | 𝟭𝟬-𝟭𝟭 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯

Nov 9, 2022, 17 tweets

« L’intérêt de ce panel est de parler très franchement de la manière[...] dont la communauté internationale doit se tenir face à la guerre. Et dans ce contexte comment on peut batir un universalisme plus efficace, plus tangible, et vraiment universel. » @EmmanuelMacron #PPF22

@EmmanuelMacron @Elysee @francediplo @francediplo_EN "This war has caused famine. It’s not just a war for the countries from the North, it’s also a war for the countries from the South." @alferdez #PPF22

.@EmmanuelMacron sur la nécessité de repenser la notion 'd'universalisme' #PPF22

. #PPF22 @alferdez on the issue of famine:

. @alferdez "We must react: this war is not only affecting them but it affects the entire world." #PPF22

"If you see what has happened in our region, you can note that we have the impression that it is the West that decides for us, on our soil." @USEmbalo #PPF22

"We have solutions, but this requires a dialogue between North and South" @USEmbalo #PPF22

. @USEmbalo On the importance of African voice in global decision and peace making:

Before Ukraine I’d already been saying that we will face in 2022 the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II and many people couldn’t understand that. @WFPChief #PPF22

"Without China, without Russia, without Turkey, we would not have survived the first wave of Covid" @ediramaal #PPF22

"The world is in trouble and your leadership is needed now more than ever." @WFPChief to @EmmanuelMacron #PPF22

.@mahbubani_k On the fragility of our planet:

. @DubaiAbulhoul on the importance of debating equally:

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