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Nov 10, 2022, 6 tweets

An overview of Senator Kashim Shettima’s legacies.


”Education is the greatest tool for change. If we do not take these orphans by educating them and giving them a good home, they will take care of us 10 to 15 years down the line.” - Senator Kashim Shettima


The legacies and giant strides of APC’s Vice Presidential Candidate, Senator Kashim Shettima.


Senator Kashim Shettima revamped the Health sector in rural and urban areas. #LegaciesOfKashimShettima…

As Governor of Borno State, Senator Kashim Shettima constructed new boarding schools for primary and secondary school students.


The concentration of the larger number of these ultra-modern mega schools in Maiduguri and Jere is, according to Gov. Shettima, “because these orphans have no parents or relatives.” #LegaciesOfKashimShettima…

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