Simon Ash Profile picture
Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

Nov 10, 2022, 9 tweets

@ArviPalanisamy presents his philosophy on the Future of #OBAnes Research in this final session of #OAA3DC2022: practical, aspirational, inspirational (skipping the queue to catch a train, @noolslucas & @OAAinfo) very accommodating in view of train/tube strikes affecting London)

#OBAnes research has plateaued, advancing in increments. A change in thinking is required. Several low hanging fruit, #MindTheGap between #OBAnes research and practice - implementation science something for future? #OAA3dc2022

One subject ripe for implementation science study is awareness. DREAMY study factors associated are known, awareness common (perhaps we’re losing a skill?) & linked to PTSD. #BridgeTheGap #OAA3DC2022

Other #OBAnes projects low lying and ripe for implementation science: PPH, ERAC, opioids #OAA3DC2022

Team Science: Rise of Networks (an #OBAnes epic?) Amdahl’s Law applies, with multiple advantages. #OAA3DC2022

Transdisciplinary science is open to #OBAnes (more than 1 patient) both ripe with opportunity - #BridgeTheGap between OB & Paeds: it’s happened before (Apgar) Improve maternal mental health. Many lights see more - create great things.#OAA3dc2022

Can we improve maternal mortality with AI? Teaching machines to predict or at least help us do so sooner - still not there yet. Blue Sky thinkers need space too. Start on the green zone though. #OAA3dc2022

What makes a good research idea? (Getafix was #OBAnes?) Lots of things to consider - NB to check it’s novel before devoting too much time/ money. Fresh pair of eyes can change the world. #OAA3dc2022

Conclusions from @ArviPalanisamy at #OAA3dc2022

#OBAnes research future still bright

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