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Earthseed | Abolition | Anti-capitalism | (he/him) Join my newsletter at the link in bio 🙏🏻

Nov 11, 2022, 14 tweets

The verified brand situation is getting out of control. Quick thread of twitter blue brands, and brands who might be pissed off at Elon right about now.

2. American Girl doll

3. Roblox??

4. Classic British Petroleum

5. For purposes of this thread, and for other purposes, AIPAC is a brand

6. Insulin should be free!!

7. Honest Chiquita

8. Naturally Tesla

Send any my way if you want me to add them!

And I’ll be on IG (and Mastadon soon) if this ship goes down.

For now I’d love to connect on IG!

More and more people are saying this!

9 (back to the point) this is a new level.

Probably shouldn’t share this before I actually launch it, but if you’re down to subscribe as I get more into in-dowry writing I would be really grateful. Whether this ship goes down or not I’ll be writing regularly and would love to share it with you.

Kinda floored that a bunch of you signed up to receive emails from me haha. Thank you thank you!! and I promise they’ll just be once a week! (at first…)

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