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donghyuck pogi πŸ”ž

Nov 11, 2022, 14 tweets

eleven eleven .

#renhyuck mini filo au πŸ”ž

β€” this is my birthday gift to my favorite @strawbaekhyunee <3 oo mhie, hindi ko nakalimutan 'yung request mo and i'm subtle lang about this (nakalimutan pa kita i-greet kanina.) happy birthday ulit! enjoy mo twoah 🫢🏻

πŸ”žπŸ”žπŸ”ž privatter.net/p/9485698

β€” sorry na agad sa typos! sana po nag enjoy kayo lalo ka na mhie @strawbaekhyunee kasi para sayo 'yan. literal na sumakit daliri ko eh HSHSHSGSH mwa mwa curiouscat.me/nominhaeist

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