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Nov 11, 2022, 18 tweets

•.・゜゜・ touched.

An #enhypen alternative universe wherein the Summum family went out to find their fellow Violaceum and they found someone named Imogen Galvez which turns out, he’s stronger than anyone of them.






characters; ⬇️

— Levi “Lev” Galvez (li-bay)
— 20
— Violaceum

— Carson “Son” Mendoza (kar-son)
— 19
— Violaceum

— Jaxon “Jax” Perez (dyak-son)
— 20
— Violaceum

— Teo Torres (te-yo)
— 20
— Violaceum

— Galen “Len” Tolentino (gey-len)
— 20
— Violaceum

— Kade Abad (keyd)
— 19
— Violaceum

— Calista Mangon (ka-lis-ta)
— 19
— Violaceum

— Sybel Cabello
— 20
— Violaceum

— Violet Lim
— 19
— Violaceum



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