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Anaesthetist | Mum to 3 humans and 1 Honey | Former blue tick | Be gentle with feedback, lavish with praise. Never know what someone is going through |

Nov 12, 2022, 26 tweets

Now @ProfRobBooy.

Covid-19. Variants and vaccination.

Prof just off the phone to his mate who disembarked from a cruise ship in Sydney with 800 cases this morning ….


Here’s @ProfRobBooy’s personal immunisation record. #ACE22NSW

New wave at the moment, we need to surf it (with protections in place). #ACE22NSW

Novel variants much more catchy.

1 infects 10.


Genomics is key.


Notes 4 cases of meningococcal at Splendour in the grass, genomics revealed that none were linked.


Bats and genomics.


Covid lab link theory largely debunked now by genomics.

Wet market much more likely.


Death rate in Au in 2021 was 10x less than UK/USA. 2022 different:

(Although death rate worldwide down 90 %).


Covid deaths. #ACENSW22

Covid deaths in children in Au, was virtually non existent. However some deaths now due to larger numbers with covid. Kids under 1 at highest risk. #ACENSW22

Hybrid immunity (vaccination plus infection) is best. #ACENSW22

Boosters are important because of the sub-variants. #ACENSW22

You can get re-infected with omicron within as little as one month,


When to vaccinate post covid?


Risk of vaccine myocarditis highest in teenage boys.

51 million nova vax order in Australia. About 1/2 mill doses given. Less myocarditis.


Omicron specific boosters. #ACE22NSW

Trump got steroids, oxygen, anti-virals. #ACENSW22

Two Presidents with Covid. #ACENSW22

PBS scripts for oral covid19 Australia.


Game changers, oral treatments for covid. #ACENSW22

Treatment for the 2% who don’t respond to vaccination. #ACENSW22

No one in sage until we are all safe.


What we can all do about covid-19:


Summary from @ProfRobBooy covid19.

Complacency and misinformation are current challenges.


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