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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Nov 13, 2022, 14 tweets

The tale of two air shows:
US on left, China on right.

-Xi issues pronouncements on aviation
-China is clean and green
-"In the last ten years..."
-Russia strikes foreign mercenaries in Ukraine
-Russia sends fertilizer to Africa to help feed the world

"Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday wrote back to young workers and engineers of the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), encouraging them to promote self-reliance and strength in aviation science and technology and high-quality development of the industry."

Shenzhou 14 docking in space
Swans docking on land

China welcomes the import of fresh fruit from Thailand.
But don't trust, verify.

And now the international news...

China praises itself and foreigners hail it, too, at the COP conference in Cairo.

Subtitles suggest that Tim Yeo, UK MP, praises China by saying "In the last ten years..." but that is not in the vocal track.

"Last ten years" is a fixed term of implicit praise for Xi's reign

Russia's Special Military Operation is no longer the top story in world news, but it is still reported with Defense Ministry video from Moscow.
The pro-Russian report (virile launches, precision strikes) dwarfs the Ukraine report which only lasts a few seconds.

Russian footage below:

"Russia claims attacks on foreign mercenaries in Ukraine"

No footage from Ukraine side, but you get this map.

"Ukraine claims to have implemented a curfew in Kherson"

The next story is about Russia helping Africa.
Note that even this map, unlike the Ukraine map above, has clearly delineated borders though they are hard to detect in Ukraine.

Russian humanitarian effort to stem hunger in Africa starts with a load of fertilizer.
(Ukraine used to be a major exporter of fertilizer)

China's 14th air show, held in Zhuhai, concludes successfully.

The US Air Show in Dallas, Texas

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