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Scientist, Atheist, Poet, Philosopher, Creative, Skeptic, Mortal, Genius, Multicultural, Bicoastal, Superstar, Altruist, Vampire, Dragon

Nov 13, 2022, 8 tweets

Covid-vaccine countermeasures began administration Dec. 14 2020, roughly 330,000 lives already lost to the disease. @washingtonpost claimed the injectable products would “end the war”. Or is vaccine-only reliance prolong it…

In the under 24 months to follow another 770,000 have succumbed to covid disease, bringing USA to 1.1 million, not including unreported or delayed deaths unattributed to covid, or coded over to pneumonia @Worldometers cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr…

Covid-vaccine enthusiasts claim the shots have “saved millions”, I see a haphazard hubris that followed, back-to-office regimes, anti-mask in school agendas, a vaccine-only reliance implemented to the exclusion of all other public health measures did more harm than good

Analysis of covid-shots can’t be performed in a vacuum, a hypothetical universe where no other options are available. Covid-pharmaceutical countermeasures, on their fifth injection, have failed entirely to stave off rampant community spread. This is current threat map

As USA crosses a gory 1.1 million reported covid deaths, sources like @nytimes following @OurWorldInData are feeding a public deception by misrepresenting available reporting, by obfuscation, and failing to report 30,000 covid deaths (see 1.07 M). Disrespecting the dead

Covid is not a simple respiratory virus, it’s more like an “airborne HIV” of sorts, a description less “hyperbolic” with each passing study. The White House, Ashish Jha, Rochelle’s CDC, biased survivors, doctor-minimizers, are teaching us how to “die with covid”

Since 2022, 40% of US covid deaths were “vaccinated”. In April of 2022 “54% of deaths were ‘breakthrough’ deaths”. Our covid-shots are flawed. We need to free from hubris-delusion and use strategies for certain-safety, or pay the big price: lost health podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dea…

How many lives could we have saved in the last 24-34 months through classical testing, tracing, supported isolation for an effective time period, quality ppe, social strategies and eduction, and financial support aimed at stopping transmission: millions #healthbeforeprofit

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