SlavicSquatPup Watermelon Program 🍉 🍉 🍉 Profile picture

Nov 14, 2022, 11 tweets

Dear #NAFO fellas, here’s something I want you to have a look at - a short 🧵

Posting shit on internet to piss off vatniks and tankies is cool but I like to do more substantial stuff.

Using my resources I’d like to welcome you to Slavic Winter Push 1/

So, long story short, part of my job is winter accessories and what I can easily do is to make them in any imaginable pattern and have them made fast.

So, what you can see here are specialized balaclavas that work splendidly with helmets (our core market is winter sports). 2/

The balaclava has single layer “cap” that lets your head breathe and stops it from overheating and a double layer neck warmer.

What’s very important is the fact that the cap keeps the neck warmer in place so the BACK of your neck stays warm. The neck warmer is longer in front 3/

What’s very interesting about the design is the fact that the cap can be tucked in on the back and the balaclava works like a regular neck warmer 4/

It also works great with baseball caps which has its uses for situations when a helmet is not necessary but you still want to be warm or look #tacticool 5/

What we are very proud of is the fact the product is 100% made in Poland and made by us:

👉 the 100% polyester material is weaved in Poland
👉 the patterns are printed by us using Polish sublimation inks
👉 balaclavas are sewn by our local sewers 6/

The product will make it’s way to Ukraine via a trusted partner that I’ll be announcing soon!

BUT you can help us finance their production by buying stuff for yourself - we have tons of designs.

Every single balaclava purchase will buy one for the AFU. Sounds like a good deal?

What I think is awesome, is getting our products in non-military prints while financing the stuff for the AFU. Our range of “made-in-Poland” products consists also of:

👉 headbands
👉 neck warmers

These will be also included in the Slavic Winter Push!

Did I already tell you we make VISORS for summer?

These can be included in Winter Push. We even have one that celebrates the liberation of Kherson 😉

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